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Chat with any confidential document

From financial reports to due diligence, Bear.ai accelerates your workflow with private AI that blends insights from your confidential documents with market data. You can ask questions, get summaries, find information, and more.

Built with Privacy

Built with Privacy

Bear.ai is a macOS app that can analyze multiple documents and produce accurate analysis for presentations. A downloadable AI analyst.

  • Private AI that runs locally on your computer
  • Sandboxed, no confidential data sent to the internet
  • Analyze multiple documents at once
  • Visualize insights, and have a conversation with your data
  • Powerful controls to refine results
  • SOC 2 compliance
How it Works

How it Works

Getting started is easy! Simply download the app, select documents, and start chatting with your AI analyst. Compare metrics from local documents on your computer with public comps, without ever having to upload confidential data.

  • Select the documents you'd like to chat with
  • Ask questions, extract insights, and compare with market data
  • Every response is backed by sources extracted from each document

Ready to 10x your workflow?

Chat with any confidential document. Ask your private AI analyst to get it done.