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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can select 1 PDF file (max 10MB) to try it out for free. We also have paid plans that give you more quota.

Getting started is easy! Simply download the app, select documents, and start chatting with your AI analyst. Compare metrics from local documents on your computer with public comps, without ever having to upload confidential data.

You can only upload PDF (.pdf) files at the moment. However, we are working to support more file types in the future.

Yes, Bear.ai can read PDFs in any language and answer questions. You can upload a PDF in one language and ask questions in another language. Bear.ai will give you answers in the language you use.

We prioritize data privacy, which is why private documents in Bear.ai never leave your device. Your documents or their content will never come into contact with our cloud storage, ensuring their confidentiality.

Not yet, but we are working to support collaborative experiences in the future.

As a result of the product, we pay high cost to run the business, so we regret to inform you that we do not provide any form of refunds, whether partial or in full, at this time. However, you have the freedom to cancel your subscription effortlessly whenever you desire. Once you decide to cancel, no further charges will be incurred.